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Thursday, May 5, 2022

8 ways to monetize podcasts - How Podcasts Make Money Online 2022

How to capitalize on the new wave of podcast money making opportunities

Making money from podcasts is possible, but not easy. According to research , 99% of the downloads of shows are concentrated on a few top-tier podcasts.

For ordinary Podcast creators, in addition to the limited program advertising income, how to develop other extended income sources will be an important key to establishing a foothold in this emerging self-media.

Podcast Podcast Revenue Potential

The American Internet celebrity podcaster Timothy S., who once opened a gym in Taiwan. Ferriss (Tim Ferriss) has accumulated more than 600 million downloads of podcast programs, and he can earn about $100,000 (about 2.8 million Taiwan dollars) per episode on average .

By the way, Timothy is also the author of the famous best-selling book " The 4 -Hour Work Week". This book is also an important enlightenment book for many Internet money earners.

If you turn your attention back to the Chinese market, Taiwan's popular podcasts Bailingguo and Stock Cancer often earn a monthly income of NT$1 million.

Podcast may not be a very mainstream online money-making channel, but since the creators involved are far less than blogs or YouTube, the competition is much lower, so there is still a lot of room for development and income potential.

What is Podcast

Podcast, also known as podcast, is mainly through pre-recorded sound programs, which are uploaded to streaming platforms (such as Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast) for users to download and listen to.

Podcast channels are mostly niche-oriented, with a small number of targeted audience groups, but because of similar interests, it is conducive to more accurate advertising and marketing.

The common broadcast frequency of Podcast programs is one episode per week, and the length is about 30 minutes. Many people will compare it with traditional radio broadcasts. Although the two are similar in nature, the main difference is Have:

Podcast shows are more flexible in their timing and length

  • The production cost is lower, and the demand for manpower and hardware and software equipment is also less. 
  • It is not a live media, and the content of the program can be modified during post-production
    The placement of advertisements has greater room for adjustment

Common Podcast Show Types

  • Podcast content is often entertaining or educational oriented. The types of programs can be roughly divided into the following categories:
  • Interviews – interviews with people who have expertise in a field
  • Knowledge education - specializing in teaching a certain aspect of knowledge or skills
  • Current Events – Talk about trending news events
  • Story Fiction – Storytelling on the Channel

8 Podcast Podcast Revenue Pipelines

Like operating blogs, YouTube, IG and other online self-media, Podcasts can also be a good source of income. But before looking for a way to monetize, it is best to accumulate enough listeners first, perhaps to have 1,000 people first. After the fans become "nano net red", the opportunity for profit will increase significantly.

Here are 8 common ways to make money from podcasts:

1. Job Matching and Advertising

When everyone is watching YouTube videos, they often encounter interspersed advertisements, which is the official Adsense advertisement sharing system. All advertisement sources and interstitial matters are the responsibility of the platform.

As long as YouTubers concentrate on video creation, they can bring a continuous source of advertising revenue as the number of viewers increases.

Since Podcast does not currently have a dominant broadcasting platform, the profit sharing mechanism is not very complete. Podcasts often need to negotiate with manufacturers on advertising industry distribution issues, which virtually increases the difficulty of making profits.

However, the commercial distribution and advertising prospects of podcasts are still very impressive. Spotify, one of the leading music streaming platforms, once signed the program of American podcaster Joe Rogan with a price of 100 million US dollars (about 2.8 billion Taiwan dollars) .

In addition, Spotify is also gradually implementing an advertising profit sharing system similar to YouTube, and its advertising trading platform Spotify Advertising has already begun to operate in several countries in Europe and America. I believe that in the near future, Chinese Podcast programs can enjoy this kind of simple advertising earning model.

Podcast Ad Revenue Quotes

Generally, Podcast advertisements are calculated as per 1000 downloads (CPM, Cost Per Mille ) .

If you take into account the advertising platform's commission, the actual advertising revenue of podcasts will usually fall at around $15 per CPM . If you are famous and your shows are downloaded a lot, then the CPM advertising market will also greatly increase.

For example, if an episode of a podcast reaches 5,000 downloads, the estimated ad revenue is:

Two pre-roll ads: 5CPM x $15 x 2 ads = $150
One mid-roll ads: 5CPM x $15 x 1 ad = $75

The advertising revenue of the entire program will be $150 + $75 = $225 (about 6300 Taiwan dollars)

Of course, podcast advertising revenue will also be affected by factors such as local market conditions and the length of advertising broadcasts.

In addition to making money from the automatic ad insertion mentioned above, some Podcast hosting platforms also provide ad matching services, allowing advertisers and creators to directly conduct business cooperation. For the Chinese market, you can refer to the two platforms SoundOn and Firstory .

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very convenient way to make money online, and it is often seen on blogs or popular social media.

The main method of operation is to join the affiliate marketing platform first, then select the appropriate marketing plan to promote, and earn transaction commissions. For example, the affiliate network specializing in the Chinese market , after applying for membership, there are nearly a thousand marketing programs on the platform. Paintings are available for selection. Related Post

After deciding on the affiliate marketing products to be promoted, you can insert affiliate marketing links in the introduction column of the Podcast program. As long as a listener clicks the link and completes the transaction, you can earn performance bonuses.

3. Sell Online Courses

The unit price of online courses is generally higher and the profit is also large, so it is often an important source of income for online freelancers.

Podcaster may wish to select popular projects according to their own program content, then edit and design them, and add appropriate teaching briefings, which can be transformed into paid online learning courses.

Such developed knowledge-based products can be sold through online teaching platforms such as Udemy, HaHow or Teachable.

4. Subscription-based membership fee income

Provide membership value-added services on a subscription basis. Such as ad-free programs, special interviews with people
or more in-depth content.

For related membership subscription software, please refer to Memberful (a service under Patreon) that can be used for free. In addition, if you want to set up your own website, WordPress also provides many related plug-ins that can be installed and used directly.

5. Development of peripheral products

In addition to the Podcast program content that can be made into audiobooks or e-books for sale, some popular program themes are also where POD (Print On Demand) customized products can play.

For example, selling T-shirts, mugs, and hats related to the show to followers and fans. And increase your brand awareness.

6. Cross-platform operation

While producing a Podcast program, you might as well record the creative process and upload it to YouTube. In addition to increasing the exposure of the program, you also have the opportunity to earn additional YouTube-derived income. The well-known Internet celebrity podcast Bailingguo is an example.
In addition, you can also put the text of the program on the blog, so that the program has more opportunities to be found on search engines such as Google, and bring more network traffic to the program. To increase the number of downloads.

7. Provide professional consulting services

If your podcast program specializes in special fields such as investment and financial management, health care, sports events or pet feeding, you can use the professional image created by podcast to provide related consulting services to earn additional income.

8. Dounei Sponsorship

Listeners are encouraged to provide financial support to their own programs in the form of buckets. The common method is to establish sponsorship links through electronic payment services such as EcPay Green World or Oupay, and provide supporters with a convenient reward channel.

In addition, some online sponsorship service platforms such as Patreon, in addition to accepting DouNei, will also provide additional subscription sponsorship functions to diversify the source of profit.

Podcast Internet Marketing Methods

The hard-earned Podcast programs must be marketed and promoted to increase the exposure on the Internet, so that the number of downloads and listening can be rapidly increased, laying a good foundation for subsequent profitable growth.

Internet marketing for podcasts can be done in the following directions:

1. Take Advantage of Podcast Hosting Services

In addition to hosting program audio files, many Podcast hosting service platforms also assist in the distribution of programs and the statistical analysis of market data (such as audience gender, age group, number of downloads, completion rate). A very useful channel when doing marketing promotion.

The leaders of such services are Firstory in the Chinese market (invested by KKBOX) and SoundOn. For more international hosting services, you may wish to refer to Anchor under Spotify .

2. Podcast SEO Search Engine Optimization

YouTube, the world's largest video playback platform, is the same company as Google, so videos uploaded by YouTubers often have better search engine exposure opportunities.

And Podcast shows are scattered on the platforms (such as Apple Podcast, Spotify, KKbox, Google Podcast, etc.), and the probability of being found when searching on the Internet is generally low.

If a podcast doesn't have enough followers on other social media, there will be almost no traffic source, and even if the show does more, it will be difficult to attract enough listeners.

Solving traffic problems can be improved by using Podcast SEO search engine optimization. The methods are:

① Make sure the show is on the Goolge podcast platform
The more podcast platforms you put a show on, the more visibility you can get on the web. Since Google itself is the world's largest web search engine, shows that are logged on on its own system will enjoy somewhat better exposure. Chance.

When uploading the program list, for the title and description of the program, you should also pay attention to the selection and use of keywords. Only in this way can you have a good ranking when searching.

Build an official blog website for your own Podcast, as the base camp for program diversion
Blogs are arguably one of the best mediums for attracting organic traffic on the web, as well as helping build your own brand.

The practice is to create a dedicated article for each show, which includes the show's embedded player and organized text narration. Then apply traditional blog SEO optimization methods. There is an opportunity to bring considerable audience traffic .

③ Make good use of other social media exposure
For example, you just mentioned converting the program into a video and putting it on YouTube. In addition, you can also make good use of other social media such as FB, IG, etc., to establish external links as part of off-site SEO (Off-Site SEO), and let visitors Easier to find your show.

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