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Thursday, May 5, 2022

How to Start a Business and Make Money with Minimal Capital

 Five Low-Cost Online Micro-Entrepreneurship Models

People who want to micro start a business on the Internet often experience several different roles successively as office workers, freelancers, freelancers, studios or companies.

In the early stage, most people will choose part-time jobs or directly work as Freelancers, and the focus at this time is mainly on short-term tasks to increase additional income for themselves.

If everything goes well, then you may think of expanding the profit scale, and start trying to set up a studio or a company. I hope that in addition to building a professional image, I can also strive for more opportunities to make money.

Micro start-up online with minimal capital

Using the Internet to start a business does not necessarily require a lot of capital. Sometimes it is even zero cost. Many familiar YouTubers and Internet celebrities used their mobile phones to directly shoot videos and create content before they became famous in the early days. Also self-directed and self-acted. Their YouTube video production cost can be said to be zero.

After these quasi-influencers have cultivated enough subscription fans, they will start to use the huge Internet traffic to make profits. At this time, in addition to having the ability to upgrade the photographic equipment, they will also consider setting up a studio or a company to set foot on the Internet. The road to micro-entrepreneurship.

In addition to YouTube, other network channels such as e-commerce websites, blogs, FB, IG, or TikTok and other self-media can also be used as low-cost micro-entrepreneurship platforms. Allowing slashers with limited funds to start small businesses Go big and build a profitable personal business.

The Benefits of Online Micro-Entrepreneurship

Micro-entrepreneurship in a broad sense, although not limited to any form of operation, usually aims to establish a studio or open a company as its development goal.

The benefits of starting your own business are:

  • Get rid of the 5-to-9 office life, and have the time to create the career blueprint that you yearn for
  • Conducive to building a professional image and establishing its own brand
  • It is easy to gain the trust of customers, which is helpful for the expansion of business opportunities
  • It is convenient to obtain external investment such as obtaining funds by way of shares
  • Have more tax-saving channels
  • Opportunity to sell the business in the business
  • It is easy to expand the business scale, introduce new partners and even recruit full-time employees

Of course, online micro-entrepreneurship is not about opening a company all at once. As long as you expand gradually as your business progresses, it will naturally come naturally.

Five low-cost online micro-entrepreneurship models

Under the circumstance of low capital, Navi4you has sorted out the following 5 models for micro-entrepreneurship on the Internet without spending a lot of money:

 No stock online shop

When running an e-commerce online store, the biggest financial pressure often comes from purchasing and inventory. Before the goods are put on the shelves, you need to spend a sum of money first, and the purchased goods have to bear the storage costs. Sometimes things can't be sold, which is easy to cause capital turnover. If it doesn't work, it will bring a big business crisis to the online store business.

In the field of e-commerce, there is a small capital store model with no purchases and no inventory.


The first thing to do is to find a supplier who is willing to ship the goods for you to customers. The next step is to list the goods in your own online store. When you receive an order, you will notify the supplier to ship directly to the buyer.

During the entire transaction process of Dropshipping, the goods are still placed on the supplier's side. Since the store owner does not need to advance the goods and do warehousing and logistics in advance, the capital requirement is very low.

2. POD Personalized Merchandise Store

POD's full English name is Print On Demand, which translates directly from Chinese to print on demand. In the early days of POD's online store, it was most famous for selling T-shirts. Later, many customized printed products were derived. For example, mugs, shopping bags , mobile phone cases, etc.

The main method of operation is to put the designed products on the online store first, and then notify the manufacturer to print and ship when a customer places an order. The overall business model is very similar to Dropshipping, which is also a low-cost online store. method.

 Knowledge realization

The online teaching platform How has a wide variety of courses, ranging from music, design, marketing, programming, handmade to investment and financial management. As long as you have more experience or expertise in any field than others, you can package it into a knowledge commodity , as a network business to operate.

Making money from knowledge can be in the form of one-time online courses or paid subscriptions for members. The characteristic of this entrepreneurial model is that once the course content is produced, even if it is done, it can be repeated online in the future. Sales, become a good channel of passive income.

Moreover, the production cost of this type of digital knowledge products is generally low and the profit is very high, so it is a very attractive money-making model for online micro-entrepreneurship.

Online Professional Services

Compared with passive money-making for knowledge commodities such as online courses, online professional services are often task-oriented. You must take the initiative to spend time to execute to generate income.

For this type of Internet startup, you may have to do all the work yourself in the initial stage, but after the word of mouth is established, you can try to expand the business with a team or outsourcing.

Projects suitable for online professional services are also very wide, common areas include:

1. Video production

Online social media and marketing advertising have great demand for videos, and filming, editing or dubbing related to video production are all good entry points.

2. Graphic Design

Canva , a popular graphic design service platform for web workers , has thousands of design templates for people to use, ranging from Instagram stickers, FB covers or YouTube thumbnails to traditional posters, business card designs and more.

From the detailed classification in Canva, art design entrepreneurs can discover many service project inspirations and become a niche for making money online.

In addition, specializing in the development of WordPress website theme (Theme) or LINE stickers, are also good business development direction.

3. Provide language services

People with language expertise can focus on translation or online language tutoring.

4. Internet Marketing

Internet marketing-related services range from a wide range of services, such as SEO, search engine optimization, Facebook ad placement, ad copywriting or content marketing to all kinds of article writing.

4. Be a KOL influencer

There are many kinds of self-media on the Internet, ranging from blogs, YouTube, FB, IG, TikTok, Twitch to Podcasts, etc. It is easy for prospective entrepreneurs to choose the appropriate channel to exert their strengths according to their own preferences.

The focus of running We Media is to have good creative content, and its ultimate goal is to expand the number of fans. As long as you follow enough fans, you can be promoted to the so-called KOL Internet celebrity. It becomes the capital of online micro-entrepreneurship.

Application software development

Both YouTube and Twitch each have a Taiwan-born co-founder, and they have brought great wealth to their careers through the development of web applications.

If your expertise is in computer programming, you can also start a micro-business on the Internet with a small amount of money. Today's popular online store platform Shopify and the just-mentioned Canva. The small team of three people gradually grew up later.

Low-cost entrepreneurial approaches for application software development include:

  • From an entrepreneur's perspective, developing SaaS provides two main incentives,
  • The cost of using cloud computer resources is low, and you do not need to bring your own expensive hardware equipment
  • Most of the fees use a subscription system, with long-term and stable continuous income
  • The popular cloud questionnaire service Survey Cake, the team communication platform Slack and the personal note Evernote are all SaaS software.

2.App application

According to statistics , there are about 3 million mobile apps on the Google Play store alone. Besides, some popular software such as WordPress or Shopify, there are also many related paid plug-ins sold in the market.

As long as developers find out the niche point of the market and lock in the needs of special users, they can use the App to make profits.

Is a micro-entrepreneurship a "one-person company"?
Many foreign Internet money-making experts often roam in different countries and become so-called digital nomads . Since there is no fixed office space, some simply set up "one-person companies" in third-party countries with lower business taxes. .

These "one-person companies" with online earning masters do not have to do all the big and small things themselves, but make good use of outsourced human resources and use remote teamwork to make the company's business grow rapidly.

In the same way, if you want to start a micro-business on the Internet, the team members should be as streamlined as possible at the beginning, outsource many secondary tasks, and allow yourself more time to focus on the core business. Chances of business success.

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